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The Lovebug Club


He is the most cuddly BT we ever have. He completely melt like a rag doll as soon as you hold him. He loves to sleep on our chest. He has become everyone’s instant favorite.

Toy: plastic cap on “Air Wick” air freshener
Snack: Anything but sniffs first
Food: Blue buffalo Basics
Pastime: Cuddle to Sleep


Something cute he does: bend his right wrist slightly while sitting upright

Adoption Experience:

Something positive:
Reliable, kind, and very helpful with the the process
Something we could improve: N/A

Junior 2

He is a red/brown BT, very lovable. He is a guardian of the whole family. He is very caring and concerned of well being of his two other brothers.

Toy: tree branches
Snack: apple
Food: Blue buffalo Basics
Pastime: window watching


Something cute he does: always moves to sleep on my shoulder in the morning

Adoption Experience:

Something positive:
Reliable, kind, and very helpful with the the process
Something we could improve: N/A

Rusty 2
Junior Rusty Vid
Junior and Rusty

Luna has been a wonderful addition to our family!
She is funny, energetic, affectionate, and playful.

Toy: ball
Snack: chicken & apple milkbone
Food: eggs
Pastime: playing fetch


Something quirky: She tries to catch balls with her paws.

Something cute: She “high fives” when asked!

Adoption Experience:

Something positive:
Very responsive and easy to work with
Something we could improve: No suggestions! Our experience was great.

Luna 2

Minnie is the sweetest girl. She is so loving.
She likes to lay around my neck if she is not getting the attention she needs.

Something cute she does:
She hops around like a jumping spider when she plays and she loves to taunt her sister (another Boston) with toys or bones that she knows she wants.

Adoption Experience:

Something positive:
I can always email if I have any questions.
You set me up with everything I needed when we got the dog.
Something we could imrpove:
I can’t think of anything you can do better.

Minnie 2

Kona is such a sweet smart dog. He is full of energy but loves to snuggle on his favorite blanket. He loves balls of any kind and is super attached to his teddy bear. He is so smart and will even ring the bell we have hanging on our door to go out. He loves laying in the sun and is spoiled rotten.

Toy: balls of any kind
Snack: petco maple donuts, anything chicken/turkey
Food: chicken or beef
Pastime: playing catch with the ball, tug-o-war, chasing the laser pointer


Something quirky: he likes to steal washcloths after we shower or a sock and run through the house shaking it.

Something cute: snuggling and sleeping with his teddy bear

Adoption Experience:

The adoption experience was incredible. We were so happy with puppy and Laura made us feel so at ease with our new puppy. She truly loves and cares so much. She is very devoted to finding the perfect family for each and every one of her precious puppies. She was so helpful and professional. She walked us through all the details and gave us the best support and helpful tips. We would definitely adopt another puppy from her. I highly recommend her and her business to anyone.
Something we could improve: N/A

Kona 2

Archie is the piece of our family we didn't know we were missing. He is a fun baby brother who keeps his two older Boston brothers on their toes. He is a sun pup and could spend all day laying outside enjoying nature and is always up for adventures. He is a cuddle boy and has received several compliments from the vet for his calm demeanor for being so young!

Toy: Any rope toy or whatever his big brothers are playing with at the time!
Snack: Peanut Butter in his kong
Food: Salmon based food
Pastime: Playing keep away from his brothers and rough housing with them


Something Quirky: Will push anyone, humans included, off of a heating pad to snuggle up under the warmth.
Something Cute: When asked he will jump into your arms and snuggle up close to you.

Adoption Experience:

Something positive: You are responsive, involved, and care about your dogs even after they're adopted.
Something we could improve: Nothing I can think of. I had a wonderful experience.

Archie 2


Maggie Mae
Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae has been a great addition to our family. We have a 10 1/2 year old puggle who needed a little friend. Chloe and Maggie Mae have quickly become best friends and love playing with each other and snuggling. Adding Maggie Mae and her spunky personality to our family has given our adult dog a brand new lease on life, we all just love her.

Toy: Pink Pigs, any and all types
Snack: Old Mother Hubbard Puppy Biscuits
Food: Nutro Small Breed Puppy
Pastime: Playing with her big sister Chloe, or sun bathing in the grass next to the pool


Something Quirky: Maggie Mae sleeps sometimes with her eyes open, a bit creepy but still cute
Something Cute: She loves to snuggle and give lots of kisses. She also makes the most adorable noises when she's sleeping

Adoption Experience:

Something positive: Laura has been very helpful from start to "finish", even offering suggestions when minor ailments arose to get us through until we saw our vet.
Something we could improve: She has been great, I have no complaints.

Maggie Mae 2
Maggie Mae

THE PRETTIEST! Our everything. You can never be sad or mad or upset when you’ve got a little funny looking cute furry thing that looks up at you and does something funny- you just crack and all of a sudden your playing! And playing and laughing and loving every moment of life together.

Toy: anything that squeaks
Snack: bacon
Food: whatever we are eating
Pastime: omg. Every moment. Every moment is a joy, a new experience, a new behavior. It’s been over a year now and every day feels like the first day it never gets old and she’s always increasingly impressive intelligent considerate curious fun easy-going and obedient.



Pixie 2

Something Quirky: She has the sweetest little face, but THE WORST FARTS!! Haha but you get used to it and it’s not all that often. You just gotta accept that the cuteness makes up for the farting thing. Lol
Something Cute: when we come home she does this crazy wiggly thing where she just can’t decide what she wants to do, it’s like she’s so excited she just starts wiggling and throwing her butt back-and-forth and I can’t even explain it

Adoption Experience:

When we first got Pix, we were nervous and excited, never raising a puppy before we had no idea what to expect. Laura was so amazing from the start! Sending us “pixie pics” (haha!) while she grew (as we couldn’t yet have her until 9 weeks). She FaceTimed us and spoke with us talking us through the process, always answering calls and emails. When we met Laura, you could tell she has an IMMENSE passion and love for each of the puppies, clearly caring for them very well. She hooked us up with a blankie and a stuffed toy plus some other gear and info. Pixie was near and dear especially, and it was tough for her to part with Pix deep inside (you could just tell she truly LOVED her) and man oh man, now we know why...

You learn as you go... and I would do it all over again 10000 times over. Especially, with Laura.
-Christina & Scott

Pixie 3
Cookie Payne

Since the first day when Cookie came home, she has stolen my heart, my husbands, & everyone she meets. She brightens my evenings when I come home from work, seeing her so excited to see me when I walk thru the door. Her cute spunkiness always has mine & my husband on our toes.

Toy: Any ball, especially ones that squeak
Snack: Mother Hubbard's Sweet Potato & Bacon Treats
Food: Diamonds Dog Food
Pastime: Fetching the ball all day if she could


Something Quirky: She fakes like she is going to run, but just stops with her tongue out ready to run
Something Cute: When she comes out from under her blankets, but still has just a little bit on her head. Reminds my husband of a character from Star Wars.

Adoption Experience:

Something positive: Laura was very straight forward, and made me feel secure while working on adopting Cookie
Something we could improve: Nothing really. I'm pretty happy with everything
-The Paynes

Cookie 2
Cookie Payne

Life with Mia is so joyful! Mia is deaf but we also have her sister and litter mate Mindy, Who acts as her service dog, always showing her the ropes and keeping an eye on her! Mia loves going to the Doggie DayCare that we own, Cosmo’s Corner and when she’s not playing finds a handlers lap to snuggle up in for a nice nap.

Toy:varies but right now a tug toy
Snack: Cow Hoof
Food: Answers with added goats milk
Pastime: Couch Time with a comfy blanket


Something Quirky: she stands on her back legs and walks the walls, and stares at herself in the refrigerator and oven.
Something Cute: Plays with her sister Mindy

Adoption Experience:

Something positive: great communication and the pups seemed to be raised properly from the get go leading to a well rounded pup with a sweet personality
-Nicole Sincage

Mia 2

Life with Mindy is so fun. She looks after her sister Mia and is always up for playtime and then cuddles. She loves going to the dog daycare that we own, Cosmo’s Corner and has many friends there of the canine and human variety!

Toy:varies but right now a small green alligator
Snack: No hide chews
Food: Answers with added goats milk
Pastime: Burying herself under blankets


Something Quirky: she wiggles her butt every time she greets someone like she is doing the hula!
Something Cute: stretching herself out in a frog pose

Adoption Experience:

Something positive: Great communication and a real concern for making sure her pups are going to a good home. Also, seemed to get them started on basic manners and potty training early which led to great pups!
-Nicole Sincage

Mindy 2

King 👑 is Very precious to our family. He is just like my son. He makes me Live, and see the world. He’s very spoiled and wants to eat dinner with my husband and I. His favorite food is chicken steak and salmon. I think sometimes he thinks he’s human. He likes to go every day to the dog park and play with all the dogs and make his poop there. He likes to eat dry food that has chicken and sweet potato in it all organic. We like to play ball. And king loves all the kids. He’s very quiet and he never barks. He’s the greatest dog I ever had. We love ❤️ King 👑

Adoption Experience:

Something positive: The breeders a very honest I sent some money down to hold king. And he was shipped over on a cargo plane. We had no problem whatsoever. 🐶 very honest breeders and very secure. Everything was according to what the breeder told me. We had no problem in bringing king home.
Something positive: N/A

King 2
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