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Health & Hygiene

Our Practices


  • To safeguard our puppies for their travel home they’re pretreated against fleas, lice, and ticks.
  • We use Adams shampoo as a preventative which stays in their coat for up to 28 days.

(There are other alternatives you can discuss with your vet but we prefer this one.)

  • One month supply of Heartgard+ has been provided in your welcome package.
  • This treatment should continue monthly to prevent heart worms from mosquitoes
    (the +plus helps treat/prevent hookworms/roundworms).

(There are other alternatives you can discuss with your vet but we prefer this one.)

  • Your puppy’s ears have been cleaned weekly and should continue same treatment until they reach close to 16 weeks of age or visible signs of ear being clear when checking each week.
  • We use two different products depending on how dirty the ear is.
    • Epi-Otic Advanced Ear Cleanser at least once a month because it contains anti-adhesive properties that prevent buildup of bacteria and yeast. (Found on amazon or online.)
    • Apple Cider Vinegar with “The Mother”/Distilled Water 50/50 in the event of a yeast or bacterial infection we have found that this solution works best and can be made right at home. (Be sure to get the apple cider vinegar with “The Mother”. Our vet suggests to try 1/3 Red Vinegar, 1/3 Distilled Water, 1/3 Peroxide for more stubborn ear infections.)
  • Your puppy’s nails have been trimmed weekly and will need this treatment weekly until they are able to become more active.
  • Household nail clippers are efficient until they mature, however, dog clippers are highly recommended for older dogs. Finger nail emery boards work wonders to smooth off sharp edges.
  • Teeth Cleaning – Natural snacks like: apples, celery and carrots are wonderful options. Dental sticks (trial and error on what your puppy likes).
    Puppy Toothpaste

    • 6 tablespoons baking soda
    • ½ teaspoon salt 1 cube of beef bouillon (or vegetable for a vegan version)
    • 1 teaspoon dried or fresh parsley
    • 1 teaspoon water
      • Directions:
        • 1. Mix all the ingredients together thoroughly in a small bowl, adding a bit more water if necessary to make a paste.
        • 2. Store in an airtight container and use daily.

When to bathe moving forward? Google says it best, [“’Not too often,’ is the short answer. A dog’s coat needs its natural oils to remain soft and silky and to keep from getting brittle or damaged. If you bathe your dog too often (every week, for example), you will strip away those oils. A good rule of thumb is to only bathe your dog when he is noticeably dirty or smelly.”] IMPORTANT: Try not to wet the face or ears when bathing if possible. This is to help avoid water getting up their nose or in their ears. Instead use a wet wipe or warm wash cloth to wipe away any dirt or debris.

How often to clean ears as an adult dog? Although every puppy is different we recommend that most adult dogs with normal ears have cleanings at least once a month. Others may need more frequent cleanings, especially those that regularly swim or get their ears wet.

When to clip his/her nails as they age? It depends. A lot of factors affect this number and it can range anywhere between three to even eight weeks. The more active that a dog is, the less frequent their nails may need to be trimmed. As they mature they will also require nail trimmings less. However, it is very important to keep them trimmed as adults so they don’t get hung up on objects which could damage their little paws. It also helps prevent them from having bad posture due to long nails.

*NOTICE:* Although we have provided you with our guidelines, every puppy/dog is unique and often requires unique care as they grow. It is expected that you reach out to breeder and/or your vet if you have any questions or concerns regarding the well being of your puppy/dog. We will always be available to support you and your new puppy on their journey.